Friday 2 December 2016

7 Secrets Of Running a Successful E-Commerce Store That Nobody Will Tell You

Planning to launch a new e-commerce store or want to expand your current online store? If so, you might be looking for some secrets to boost your sales, traffic and leads. Right? Luckily, we have found all the secrets of running a successful e-commerce store and today in this blog post we are going to reveal all of them. So, all you need to do is just continue your reading......

#1 Update Your Social Media Pages Regularly


Without social media presence, your online store wouldn’t be anywhere in the competition. Create a social media strategy to spread the brand awareness. You can use Facebook, Snapchat, Roposo, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Google+ to showcase latest arrivals, hot offers and grab the eyeballs by sharing engaging and entertaining content.

#2 Go Mobile


In 2015 alone, e-commerce sales from mobile websites and mobile apps grew by 48%. This clearly shows that if you want to stay ahead in the competition, your e-commerce website should be fully mobile optimized. To make your e-commerce mobile optimized, you can hire a mobile app development company.

#3 Don’t Forget Guest Blog Posting and Free Giveaway


Believe it or not, guest blog posting plays an important role in the success of an e-commerce store. Do some research on Google to find out some best bloggers of the same niche. Once your are done with this, gift them some of your products to review it. This will help you to spread the awareness of your brand via their blogs. Not only this, you can publish their review on your site to win the trust of new users.


#4 Reach Every Place Where Audience Hangs Out


Instead of searching the audience here and there, why not begin reaching to them via popular channels such as Amazon, Walmart, Ebay and more. By paying some commission to them, you can expand your customer reach.


#5 Go Quirky With Newsletter

By sending a quirky newsletter to your subscribers every week can increase the chance of driving traffic as well as sales.

#6 Use High Quality Product Images


By investing in high quality product images, you can make a big difference and gain an edge over the competitors. But, make sure this will not increase your website loading time.


#7 Offer Unmatched Services & Customer Support


If you really want to stand out in the competition, make sure your services are unparalleled from your competitors. Offer your customers the best services and actively participate in seeking the feedback. Respond and resolve your customer queries in nominal time.

By keeping all these secrets in mind, you can certainly position yourself for long-term success.

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