Friday 25 November 2016

8 Mistakes That Even Web Designers Don’t Know They Are Making

Have you heard the famous proverb of Albert Einstein “A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new”? Undoubtedly, mistakes are the part and parcel of our lives. Even the experienced professionals make mistakes. However, the only difference is that some people hesitate to admit it while others boldly confess and learn lesson from their erstwhile mistakes.

Today, we come up with another interesting blog post i.e. “8 Mistakes That Even Web Designers Don’t Know They Are Making”. The sole aim for writing this post is to aware the web designers about the common mistakes which they are still making. So, just take a look so that you can avoid the common pitfalls and make an impressive presence over the web.

#1 Use Of Heavy Images, Flash Based Animations

No doubt, images are used to tempting the eyeballs of the users. But, too many heavy images or flash based animations on a single webpage is a big turn off. The heavier your website is, the more time it will take to load especially on small devices like tablets and Smartphones.

Suggestion: Make your website lightweight by optimizing it and try to avoid using flash as much as possible. 

#2 Unorganized Content Layout

Content is the ‘king’ of a website and if the content of a website is so massy, it will prevent users from quick scanning. The most common mistake that web designers and web designing companies make is creating a website with disorganized content. Some designers simply put a large block of disorganized text on the web page while others use so small fonts which are hard to read online.

Suggestion: Use HTML to organize the content of the website and don’t overlook
headings, sub-headings, bullet points, lists, targeted keywords, paragraphs etc. Leave adequate white space between the text and images. 

#3 Poor Navigation of the Website

When it comes to navigation, it should be seamless. Alas! There are hundreds of websites with poor navigation. It is considered good when users are able to find their way easily and swiftly. Always remember if a user is unable to find what he is searching in less than 3 clicks, he will leave instantly.

Suggestion: You can use pagination into design or you can go for one page layouts. Structure and organize your website navigation in according with the theme. Always remember personal websites can afford to be quirky and creative but professional business website requires more clarity. If you face any sort of problem in navigation, hire a professional web designing company.

#4 Ignoring The Search Box

Website acts as an archive of information. No matter, whether it’s an e-commerce store, professional business website or merely a blog, a search box is crucial. By integrating a search box in a website, you can ease customers’ navigation and save their time in searching.

Suggestion: Google Custom Search is a simple and effective to get installed. It allows the visitors to search in an efficient manner. 

#5 Long And Complicated Registration Form

Nobody will sweat filling out the long and complicated registration form. Gone are those days, when a user had to fill long and complicated registration form.

Suggestion: Make the registration form short and simple as possible. 

#6 Launching The Website Without Testing

Many web designing companies launch the website without testing it on multiple devices which in turn hamper the client’s business.

Suggestion: By now, most of the websites are responsive thereby it becomes important to test the website across all the popular devices. Use W3C tools to test the quality assurance.

#7 Not Updating Their Own Personal Website

There are many web designers out there who promise the moon to their customers when it comes to the designing of a website but their own website is not up-to-date, user-friendly and appealing. 

Suggestion: Always keep in mind that clients will always look your website and the projects you handled before giving you work. So, make your website look appealing and user-friendly as well.

#8 Horizontal Scrolling

It’s really annoying. Avoid it. 

Thursday 24 November 2016

How You Can Make Your Mobile Application An Apple Of Everyone's Eye?

Have you ever heard of Subway Surfers or Candy Crush Saga? What about Pokemon Go? These are one of the most popular mobile applications that took the mobile app industry by storm through their unicity and became instant success stories in the cut throat competition. Undoubtedly, these mobile applications were quite successful, but there are thousands of other applications which never come in the limelight. In other words, they never see the light of Google Play Store & iOS store top seller page and the reason behind this is that they don’t bring anything unique to the users.

The first step for any successful mobile application is coming up with a great idea and the way you execute your idea determine whether your mobile app will be on the lips of every mobile user or it will get lost like thousands of other applications. In this written piece, you will learn the tactics which every Mobile application development company needs to take in order to make your mobile application an apple of everyone's eye.

#1 Unique Selling Point (USP)

One major problem that many mobile app developers and app development companies face is that they don’t figure out the unique selling point (USP) of their mobile app. To be very honest without any clear vision in mind, it is impossible to make your mobile app stand out. You must have a clear picture of your mobile app strengths and its unique selling points in mind.

A mobile application can be based on an original concept or it can be something which is done over a thousand times before. If you are trying something which is already done, your competition become more fierce.

#2 Pen Down Your Thoughts On Paper

While structuring your game plan, it’s imperative to pen down your thoughts on paper no matter how small it is. Note down every single detail related to your application like what its features are going to be, how its interface is going to look, what it’s going to do and so on.

Many mobile application development companies and developers forget this step from the moment they plan to the moment they actually start the app development process which in results ended up with another ordinary mobile app. 

#3 Keep An Eye On The Market

Before you hire any mobile app developer, you need to get well-versed with each and everything surrounding this domain. Gather indispensable information like how many apps of the same type are already in the Playstore which you are planning to develop and what they are offering, who will be your strong competitor and so on. If you see any room which your app can fill, go ahead.  

You can also do homework on how people are making the money from the apps. Which marketing strategies they are using? What are the most popular and efficient marketing strategies in the app business? Once you figure out this, you will be able to sell your app more efficiently.

#4 Get a Prototype Of Your Mobile App

Ask your mobile app developer to provide you with a prototype of your app. If you have skills to develop the mobile app on your own, you can try services like Moqups and HotGloo to create a storyboard, which allow you to see how every screen on the mobile app connects with one another.

#5 Skin Development of the Application
In this process, high resolution images get put in your app once it passed the testing stage. It may take a couple of days to get approval for being put on Google’s Playstore and Apple App Store. So, it’s wise to work on this stage at the earliest otherwise you have to delay the release date of your mobile application.

#6 Time to Launch & Supervision
Last but not the least step is launching your mobile application to the whole new world to experience. Once you are done, the competition just begins. Regularly, update your application to fix the bugs and add interesting things to it. People tend to move away when there is no more excitement left, so update your application periodically to retain the users and generate revenue.

Conclusion: There may be some other factors behind the successful journey of a mobile application, but this written piece is to take you in the direction of achieving your goals.